Factory Overhauls return your original equipment to like-new condition, delivering the same high standards of performance, service life and quality as the original new product.
Factory Overhauls are provided by the same experts who built your original equipment, utilizing the same rigorous standards as our factory remanufacturing process. As a result, your complete system, including gearboxes, loose parts (oil cooler, etc.) and automation/electronics, is fully restored. Valid for Series 183, 396, 493, 538, 595, 652, 956, 1163 and other engine series such as various Defense engines and Series 2000/ 4000.
Performed at select mtu factory locations, our rigorous restoration process does more than repair and recondition your equipment. It fully returns mtu engines and systems to original factory specifications thanks to our complete technical expertise and proprietary procedures based on decades of experience. As a result, your equipment delivers same-as-new quality and performance that only mtu can provide